YESWOOD Furniture Store-O
Seller Performance:
Return Rate:  Low
Return Approval Rate:  Moderate
Message Response Rate:  N/A  
Store Code: W1283-O
Why Choose Us
Yeswood is China’s leading wholesale solid wood furniture enterprise, guided by the ethos of “Making healthy furniture and creating a better life.” We are committed to improving the living environments of mass consumers by creating healthy, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective homes. The company is headquartered is Shanghai with largest solid wood furniture storage centre in Shandong province, which has a daliy throughput of up to 5000 cubic meters. Yeswood also owns the Yuanshi Muyu Intelligent Furniture Park in Shandong and the six-acre site will officially start operation in 2020. Yeswood’s business is fully vertically integrated. We are involved in the import and processing of logs, the design, manufacturing, and marketing of furniture and home products, the research, development, and innovation of process and paints technology and both online and offline retail. Yeswood's sales regularly rank top in China's home furnishings market. Sales in the first hour of the Double 11 shopping holiday in 2018 broke 100 million R M B, and annual sales reached 1.6 billion R M B. In the next five years, sales will exceed 10 billion RMB and serve 2 million families. By the end of 2020, there will be 200 new offline retail stores, bring a better shopping experience straight to the doorstep of consumers.
Large factory area
100000 square meters modern factory of Duoyi Furniture
A large number of solid wood production lines
Duoyi furniture factory accommodates 20 solid wood production lines
Large product warehouse
Duoyi Furniture's 15,000 square meter tomber storage warehouse, storage
Insist on using ancient Chinese craftsmanship
Duoyi Furniture adlheres to the traditional mortise and tenon structure
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