Seller Performance:
Return Rate:  Moderate
Return Approval Rate:  Moderate
Message Response Rate:  N/A  
BO rate in the past 30 days:  Low
On-Time Shipment Rate of Drop Shipping Orders:  High
On-Time Shipment Rate of Self-arranged Shipping Orders:  Low
Store Code: W1155 On-Site
This sign indicates that all the products in this store are shipped from the Seller's own warehouse.
Store Information
Main Category:
Outdoor Bikes
Email: ****
Contact Number: ****
Wechat QR Code:
1) AOSTIRMOTOR as an overseas brand of Changzhou Fujiang Vehicle Co., Ltd., was founded in 2018. At present, the US trademark has been registered, the EU trademark is under application. Various certifications and procedures are complete. Some products have exclusive patents. Our company hopes to use our product development and production advantages to create an overseas brand that can reflect and represent the comprehensive quality of our products, so that global customers can use and share our products, and ultimately love and trust our brand; 2) The establishment of the AOSTIRMOTOR brand project, after a large amount of data research and analysis, determined the market and demand of the "cycling, outdoor, sports, and competitive" industry, and after sufficient preparation, we started the overseas trip; Currently we are based on two channels of B2B trade + Cross-border E-commerce, and adhere to the mission: "make good products, deepen product lines, expand product development advantages, product quality advantages, cultural innovation advantages, technical service advantages, and strive to make brands bigger and stronger."products, deepen product lines, expand product development advantages, product quality advantages, cultural innovation advantages, technical service advantages, and strive to make brands bigger and stronger."
Dropshipping from US warehouses, the quotation includes all costs (order delivery to door), and a localized technical support and guarantee team.
Complete product information, one-click online (white background map + detailed drawing + parameter and selling point copy writing table + manual + product certification + product quotation)
Support customer local promotion, KOL marketing, off-line marketing, etc. We will cooperate (price support, sample assistance).
Support the seller's domestic factory inspection and visit guidance
Store Statistics
GIGA Index:  --
Seller Performance: 
Return Rate:  Moderate Return Approval Rate:  Moderate Message Response Rate:  N/A BO rate in the past 30 days:  Low On-Time Shipment Rate of Drop Shipping Orders:  High On-Time Shipment Rate of Self-arranged Shipping Orders:  Low
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