Relax Lounge
Seller Performance:
Return Rate:  Low
Return Approval Rate:  Moderate
Message Response Rate:  N/A  
Store Code: W223
Store Information
Main Category:
Primary Living Space | Sofas | Furniture | Sectionals | Loveseats | Recliners/Massage Chairs
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Huizhou Relax Lounge company, is a professional furniture enterprise which integrates furniture development, design, production and sales over 15 years. Our products are mainly exported to USA, UK, Canada, Germany, Japan, Korea, South Africa and other countries in Africa. Equipped with advanced production equipment, and constantly absorb domestic and foreign advanced production technology, with a high-quality management team, which make our products stand out in this area. Customization can be accepted to meet the needs of different customer types. Aim at for customers, provide the best quality products and the most satisfactory after-sales service. We sincerely appreciated for all the customers’ support and help during these years. We will continue to cooperate more closely to create a better future.
Complex transaction
Qaulity Qurantee
Continuous New Products
Store Statistics
GIGA Index:  --
Seller Performance: 
Return Rate:  Low Return Approval Rate:  Moderate Message Response Rate:  N/A