W928 Dongtu Group
Seller Performance:
Return Rate:  Low
Return Approval Rate:  Low
Message Response Rate:  High
BO rate in the past 30 days:  Low
On-Time Shipment Rate of Drop Shipping Orders:  High
On-Time Shipment Rate of Self-arranged Shipping Orders:  High
Store Code: W928 On-Site
This sign indicates that all the products in this store are shipped from the Seller's own warehouse.
Store Information
Main Category:
Bathtubs | Showers | Vanity Sinks | Kitchen Sinks | Bathroom Lighting | Kitchen Faucets
Email: ****
Contact Number: ****
Wechat QR Code:
American home bathroom supermarket supply brand, products in line with American standards, with the certification. Strong comprehensive service ability, less out of stock, no after-sales worries, for small and medium-sized sellers to quickly achieve a win-win situation, welcome the majority of sellers to contact and communicate.
Lightning Internet
Worry-free after-sales
mass inventory
A total of North America
Store Statistics
GIGA Index:  --
Seller Performance: 
Return Rate:  Low Return Approval Rate:  Low Message Response Rate:  High BO rate in the past 30 days:  Low On-Time Shipment Rate of Drop Shipping Orders:  High On-Time Shipment Rate of Self-arranged Shipping Orders:  High
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