GEEK flagship store
Seller Performance:
Return Rate:  Low
Return Approval Rate:  Low
Message Response Rate:  Low
BO rate in the past 30 days:  Low
On-Time Shipment Rate of Drop Shipping Orders:  High
On-Time Shipment Rate of Self-arranged Shipping Orders:  High
Store Code: W1002 On-Site
This sign indicates that all the products in this store are shipped from the Seller's own warehouse.
Store Information
Main Category:
Electrical Appliances
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The GeekTechnology company was founded in the United States in 2017 with a focus on electric kitchen appliances, small household appliances, smart home products, research and development, and sales. We have now expanded into the markets of North America, Australia, India, China, and other important global markets with a continued investment into global trade. We are operating on and within well-known platforms such as Amazon, Wal-Mart, New York appliances, Almo, HSN, etc. In 2020 GeekTechnology is venturing into the smart home industry, as a new strategic direction. With an experienced, and competent team of IT professionals and engineers, the vision is to create a new GeekSmart brand IOT home-ecosystem.
Store Statistics
GIGA Index:  --
Seller Performance: 
Return Rate:  Low Return Approval Rate:  Low Message Response Rate:  Low BO rate in the past 30 days:  Low On-Time Shipment Rate of Drop Shipping Orders:  High On-Time Shipment Rate of Self-arranged Shipping Orders:  High
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