Seller Performance:
Return Rate:  Low
Return Approval Rate:  Moderate
Message Response Rate:  Low
BO rate in the past 30 days:  Moderate
On-Time Shipment Rate of Drop Shipping Orders:  High
On-Time Shipment Rate of Self-arranged Shipping Orders:  High
Store Code: W1215 On-Site
This sign indicates that all the products in this store are shipped from the Seller's own warehouse.
Store Information
Main Category:
Furniture | Fitness & Sports | Garden & Outdoor
Email: ****
Wechat QR Code:
Our store focuses on all kinds of Sports Outdoors. Items include treadmills, exercise bikes, dumbbells and outdoor tables & chairs. We believe that life is better lived outside, and we strive to make it as comfortable as possible. We’re looking forward to your message and hope we can work together to make a brighter future for both of our businesses.
Store Statistics
GIGA Index:  --
Seller Performance: 
Return Rate:  Low Return Approval Rate:  Moderate Message Response Rate:  Low BO rate in the past 30 days:  Moderate On-Time Shipment Rate of Drop Shipping Orders:  High On-Time Shipment Rate of Self-arranged Shipping Orders:  High
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