Tinsen Health
Seller Performance:
Return Rate:  Low
Return Approval Rate:  Low
Message Response Rate:  N/A  
Store Code: W607
Store Information
Main Category:
Fitness & Sports
Email: ****
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XIAMEN HEALTH ELECTRIC CO., LTD., founded in 2002, is located in the beautiful Xiamen Special Economic Zone. It specializes in the design, development, production and production of Golden Sunshine series of massage and health products. Sales. In 2004, the company passed the ISO9001:2008 quality management system certification; most of the products obtained PSE, CE, ROHS and UL certifications. The company's business beliefs that the company has adhered to for more than ten years are: to provide users with safe, comfortable and healthy massage and health products.
Store Statistics
GIGA Index:  --
Seller Performance: 
Return Rate:  Low Return Approval Rate:  Low Message Response Rate:  N/A