Seller Performance:
Return Rate:  Low
Return Approval Rate:  Moderate
Message Response Rate:  High
Store Code: W685
Store Information
Main Category:
Primary Living Space | Kitchen | Garden & Outdoor
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Inspired by the hardworking bees, bringing the essence of nature to everywhere, we launched the BEEFURNI brand in 2018. A brand operates on the online store platform, which owned the most delicate products for every house - products derived from the forest, elaborated from skilled workers. In our chain of journeys, what we are most proud of as well as our slogan is “Bring the true values”, which gives true value to any chain in our journeys. How are we different? Unlike other brands, we come from wholesalers, own factories that focus on producing and exporting indoor & outdoor furniture located in Vietnam - BeNK., JSC since the 2010s. It is that opportunity that gives us full control over the production process until it reaches the end-user. We pride ourselves in being able to provide users with the best quality products and at the same time offering the most competitive prices without through any trading parties.
Exclusive Price
First promotion for any new items in your stores
Quality Warranty
Within one year from purchase date
Continuous New Product
New products will be published for sale irregularly every month.
Margin Transaction
Support margin transaction for 11-20 sets of product within 30 days
Store Statistics
GIGA Index:  --
Seller Performance: 
Return Rate:  Low Return Approval Rate:  Moderate Message Response Rate:  High
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